
The world's easiest and free CMMS for enterprise asset management.

SuperCMMS is a no nonsense, totally free, cloud based software to manage work orders at your factory, shop floor, building, car fleet, restaurant chain, solar and wind sites or just about any industry.

Watch the below video for an end-to-end demo of SuperCMMS.

Minimalism that works.

What sets SuperCMMS apart is a focus on a minimal set of features combined with an extreme obsession with usability. It is 10x easier to use SuperCMMS than anything else on the market.

SuperCMMS follows a 5-Level system.

There are 2 location levels ...

  1. Location (Ex: Building)

  2. Sub Location (Ex: Floor-1)

... and 3 asset levels.

  1. Asset (Ex: Split Air Conditioner)

  2. Sub Asset (Ex: Indoor Unit)

  3. Part (Ex: Air Filter)

SuperCMMS is designed to be easy to use.

  1. Create a Location

  2. Add Assets / Sub-Assets / Parts

  3. Create maintenance schedules for Assets / Sub-Assets / Parts

That's it. Work Orders are automatically generated as per the set maintenance schedules. You can track these within the web or mobile apps.

The world's easiest CMMS. Here's why.

We know what a complex CMMS looks, feels, and works like. How? We built one at our parent company. It works well and is used by lots of renewable energy companies to manage assets producing gigawatts of energy. It probably has about a hundred bells and whistles. One client asks for something specific and that ends up as a feature for everyone. Features creep in over time that are seldom used but make for good sales pitches - "Our CMMS is bigger than their CMMS".

No matter the sales pitch, every CMMS has three actors and one goal.

  1. An Asset that needs to be maintained.

  2. A Staff Member that works on the Asset.

  3. A Manager who oversees everything.

The goal is to keep the asset working well so the humans involved can be at peace (have a good nights rest). Everything that interferes with this goal is a distraction and causes friction.

Remember the 100's of bells and whistles we mentioned earlier? Well, 90% of those are never blown. In other words, you could make dummy 90% of those features and work would go on as usual. This is the case with all enterprise software (SAP, Oracle, IBM, etc).

So why not make a CMMS that has just the required features and call it a day? Everyone would be happy, right? Not so easy. Marketing would declare war. Sales teams need feature lists to sell. We could not disturb our existing CMMS. So we hatched a skunkworks. We branched out our CMMS module into a separate product. One that would be bare-bones yet get the work done. It's officially called SuperCMMS. Unofficially we also call it 'Minimo' - a simpler alternative to the super expensive industry behemoth, 'IBM Maximo'.

So how exactly do we make things easy. The first is to strip out unnecessary features. The second and more important one is to simplify the few remaining core features. Lets illustrate with just one example - 'Work Orders'.

  • Work Orders in most CMMS's have Low/Medium/High priorities. SuperCMMS just has Normal/Urgent.

  • Work Orders in most CMMS's have many statuses such as To Do/Accepted/Work in Progress/Waiting for Parts/Closed/Rejected, etc. SuperCMMS just has To Do/Done.

Stripping down and simplifying features brings enormous decision making clarity. UI becomes cleaner. Every screen becomes quick to grasp at a glance. UX becomes pleasant. Take a look at our mobile UI (below) and compare it to any other CMMS you know of. You'll notice the difference immediately.

Finally, we're not shooting blindly here. There's a method to this strip down. It's proven that having more information than necessary can actually hamper or delay decision making. They even have a name for it - Hicks Law.

In closing, complex CMMS's do have their value - for large multi national organizations that need to capture minutest details, especially for audit trails. For SME's, a bare bones CMMS can get the job done. As humans it is in our nature to hoard information You just need to be brave enough to know what information to throw away.

SuperCMMS is FREE.

SuperCMMS is free for 5 team members - all features included. The paid version will save you a ton of money compared to ANY alternative on the market. Give it a try. Your team, especially the field staff, will love you for it.

Last updated