Assets. Sub-Assets. Parts
Once you add a location and sub-locations, you can start adding your assets, sub-assets, parts. For each asset, sub-asset, part, you can add comprehensive details like type, make, model, etc. Use the 'custom field' option to add new field types as required.
The process of adding assets, sub-assets, parts is the same for both locations and sub-locations.
Bulk Upload via CSV file (coming soon)
If you have lots of assets, you can upload them via a CSV file.
Create your asset Model.
Download CSV Template.
Fill in details and upload CSV.
While CSV is very easy, it is also a very strict format. A couple of things to remember.
The first row must contain only the Asset Name.
The first column must always contain the 'Asset Name'.
Sub Asset is entered under the second column.
Finish one Asset (and all Sub Assets and Parts under it) first before moving on to the next Asset.
Give every Asset a unique name. For example, if you have two Cars, name them Car-1 and Car-2.
Asset ID's
Every Asset, Sub Asset, and Part is automatically assigned a unique ID. This can be used in API calls.
For easy reference we have adopted the following naming standard.
Asset ID starts with AA (Ex: AA172681777520456)
Sub Asset ID starts with SA (Ex: SA1726817187063125)
Part ID starts with PP (Ex: SA1726817187463125)
Last updated
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