Assets. Sub-Assets. Parts

Once you add a location and sub-locations, you can start adding your assets, sub-assets, parts. For each asset, sub-asset, part, you can add comprehensive details like type, make, model, etc. Use the 'custom field' option to add new field types as required.

The process of adding assets, sub-assets, parts is the same for both locations and sub-locations.

Bulk Upload via CSV file (coming soon)

If you have lots of assets, you can upload them via a CSV file.

  1. Create your asset Model.

  2. Download CSV Template.

  3. Fill in details and upload CSV.

While CSV is very easy, it is also a very strict format. A couple of things to remember.

  • The first row must contain only the Asset Name.

  • The first column must always contain the 'Asset Name'.

  • Sub Asset is entered under the second column.

  • Finish one Asset (and all Sub Assets and Parts under it) first before moving on to the next Asset.

  • Give every Asset a unique name. For example, if you have two Cars, name them Car-1 and Car-2.

Asset ID's

Every Asset, Sub Asset, and Part is automatically assigned a unique ID. This can be used in API calls.

For easy reference we have adopted the following naming standard.

  • Asset ID starts with AA (Ex: AA172681777520456)

  • Sub Asset ID starts with SA (Ex: SA1726817187063125)

  • Part ID starts with PP (Ex: SA1726817187463125)

Last updated

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